English Class - Mr. Harper
Assignment - Short Story
Title : We're All Busted by Eddie Johnson
As a 18 year old son of poor people my parents do not get off work on holidays. While my brother and I don't have to go to school my parent have to go to work. It was Monday morning. My young brother Teddy and his friend Jerry are both in ninth grade. They have been friends since sixth grade. They take turns on weekends on spending the night together at each other houses. A lot of the time it's with four or five friends. Lately just the two of them. I am pretty sure shortly after my mom and dad left they his the shower together. I woke up to music playing and then the shower turns on. Giggling lots of giggling.
I grab my cell phone to verify time and check messages. Carla, the crazy chick from my English Class is texting crap about me not calling her back. She gave me a lap dance in the library and wants my undying gratitude. While grateful for the moment we shared, I have had better. There is also a acceptable level of gratitude she liked it too.
The reason this story has gotten so personal is I am at a point questioning everything I have ever been told about love. I hear my brother and Jerry open the bathroom door bounce off a wall which is connected to my room too. I love the fact that my brain reminds me the bathroom is empty and remember you have to pee really bad. I automatically jump out of my bed. Exit my room in my underwear and bolt to the bathroom.
With cell phone in hand I was distracted. I turn to look inside my little brothers opened door to find him and Jerry. Still wet, still naked, aroused after the shower, and making out. Clueless in there own little world I snap a picture, and go relive myself.
Because this is an English Class assignment I will be brief. I am standing there looking at the picture I have taken. It is gay porn. I am staring at my brother and is best friend. I have a one second snapshot of two boys in love and or proving it. I had finished and decided to sit down and think about what I was really looking at. Then I found myself aroused by it. I am just confused, twisted, this is sick, gay, both? I had questions and I needed answers. Not sure why but I called Carla.
She seems to think I am stupid because I cannot handle casual. Pointing out the girls I date walk away because I am not sticking around. You cannot have a girlfriend in high school and take her to college with you. Now is the time to have fun. You only want have fun when you are so desperate. The conversation and the toilet seat were killing me. I say goodbye and head back to my bedroom. My little brothers door is closed and they were in the final stages of love. I almost cried when I realized that was what was happening. Blast music button on my phone. I throw on a t-shirt and shorts and run downstairs. I binge CNN in the background.
I text the naked pic with the caption to my dad:
I don't know if this is them coming out of the closet, or me outing them. So, what do you think dad? He was at work and could not respond until he goes to lunch. Turned out he was on a restroom break.
Dad - Not the kind of picture you want to open up while taking a piss. Twisted ? Sick ! Hot, Gay?
I will end this story with what in the world. In the year 2024 it is okay two see two naked gay dudes loving each other and admit damn that's hot. Not sure I could do that. It does make me think about it. To Carla's point I see in that picture that love I am looking for. To be that connected, that passionate about someone else. With someone else.
I sent my little brother a cropped version with a suggestion If you both are coming out post this. I will give you the full naked version in exchange for information. How the hell did you get so lucky twerp? They both came downstairs threatening to turn me gay if I don't give them the picture and delete all copies. Due to the fact they were both still naked. I gave them my cell phone and ran to my room. I stayed in my bedroom they until they were back in his bedroom going at it again. My phone was on the counter. They thanked me for the picture on Facebook but they missed the copy I texted to dad.
We're All Busted - Story Time Blog