It was the cheapest plan for spring break we could come up with. Four guys attending college in Bolder, Colorado spend seven days in Vail, Colorado at my parents summer condo.
Rent free and the money we would save could go for booze or going out to the bars there.
We all lived in the dorms. Mark and I were roommates and Dave and Nate had rooms on the same floor and the four of us seem to always in up hanging out together. What no one knew was Mark and I would make out and jerk off together.
We knew is was borderline gay but it felt to good not to do it. We both still flirted with females and would attempt to hook up. Go home frustrated and take care of each other. After six months doing gay stuff was easier, less complicated, and no fear of rejection. We wanted to see if our friends might feel the same way about doing gay stuff.
The first day was opening up the place and removing all the plastic that limits the amount of dust on the tables of stuff. The four of us go grocery shopping buy a bunch of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels. We all strip down to our underwear and and light the fire place for a game of truth or dare.
The rules after one truth you have to take a dare. We all take a truth the first round. Dave's truth was that he was a virgin. He has done everything but make love. Nate's issue was he was uncut and girls don't know what a difference that makes. Mark's first dare to Nate was to show us his uncut junk. Which he did... no big deal. Everyone's next dare was to loose their underwear.
A round of truths in the nude. Produced a few surprises when I dared my roommate Mark to kiss me on my mouth.
He made it seem like this was very difficult, then blamed it on being buzzed when the kiss turned him on. Let's just say that set the stage for more gay stuff.
Four naked freshman in various stages of arousal and slightly intoxicated. I set up the ultimate dare. Nate I dare you to jerk off Dave to the point of orgasm. Mark the dares Dave to do it back to Nate. We stand up and show them how it's done. Two minutes later and after a lot of spit things were getting rather intense.
Mark and I having done this before knew what buttons to push and exploded just after the three minute mark. Which triggered Nate and Dave and got the two of them kissing on the mouth just like Mark and I were.
It took us a minute to recover and realized what just happened. Mark grabs Dave by the hand the grab two wet cloths and come over to clean Nate and I up, and then themselves. Nate just keeps repeating... That was so gay I must be fucking drunk. I never get off like that. That's never happened before. I was making out with him.
My head was spinning Mark and I were thinking we are not that gay if we can talk other guys into doing this. Nate and Dave would eventually go pass out in separate bedrooms. Giving Mark and I a chance to talk about what comes next.
In the privacy of my bedroom Mark gets all weird saying...
Mark - I think we are all gay. That was way too easy and I think I can prove it.
Me - What we do might make us bisexual, but I'm still attracted to females. I am not gay just lonely. How can you prove it?
Mark proceed to cross that gay line and attempt to give me a blow job. We were both naked and sitting on my bed. A first for both of us and I was doing my best to help him at it. He was already in the top five just for trying, and I only had about ten of these in my life all from girls. My first was in middle school which makes and average of two a year. Right before he swallows I am thinking there is no way I am giving him one back, and how much I love my best friend. The moment after we came back to reality...
Me - You are gay for me bro. How in fuck did we let that happen.
Mark - Someone has to come out first, it might as well be me. I am so gay for you I was kind of hoping we would come up here alone.
Me - That might be why I wanted more people to come. Being alone with you makes me want to do more gay stuff. That was the most awesome blow job, I can't believe you swallowed.
Mark - I have wanted to do that for months, any chance you want to try fucking?
Alarm bells were going off. This was Mark my best friend and roommate coming out as gay. I go back to the comment he made that started this conversation. When he said... I think we are all gay. That was way too easy and I think I can prove it. He proved he was gay with the blow job, and now he was ready to take it to the next level. We laid there cuddling in a spooning position he starts rubbing his butt against my junk. I am thinking I just got off twice in the last two hours. Why does my dick want more maybe I am queer after all. I made love to Mark like our very lives depended on it. By the time we were finished I was gay for a guy.
Straight Boys Truth or Dare - Story Time Blog