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My Father's Problem - Story Time Blog

Writer: Lenny De ForgeLenny De Forge
AI ART My father's Problem.

My dad has been single as far back as I can remember. I had a few want to be moms but, no one stuck around long enough to keep the job. My dad gets a lot of offers for girlfriend and has been known to never say no. My Grandparents say he has a sex additions and tried to get me to come live with them. They say living with my dad is not appropriate for a sixteen year old boy. Despite being at the top of my class, getting straight As. Summer school is a requirement because dad go not get the summer off. Why stop learning.

These are the adults in my life talking to me like I am still in elementary school. While I would suggest my dad has a lot of problems. His biggest problem is the size of his you know what. It is extremely popular with the ladies which my father lives for. Understand I have on countless occasions walked in on my dad and several young ladies. Picture the kitchen table, the hood of his car, on the couch. I am a sixteen year old boy with unmonitored internet access for the last three years. I have done my research my dad's you know what is in the top ten that qualify as normal, non life threatening, if used incorrectly. Can some please define incorrectly. Not having a mother I can not account for. She ran away for something bigger what? I had to ask.

My dad is a lawyer and tells the firm he works for he has been offered a adult film contract and asks if he can do it and keep his job. They said no. That is the only reason he has not gone there, he does not need the money. My dad talks to me I am twenty and not sixteen., He seem very aware of how this is all affecting me. I get a daily interview on how is my sex life. I always reply I don't have one. Then today out of the blue he brings up a guy guy they hired at work as part of a internship program. For people in Law school the guy is twenty six and every time they see each other he asks. How's it hanging. It gay guy code for I can see how big it is. Then dad tells me he really wants to touch it. I do not need to know that better yet I don't want to know.

The is the same discussion I get when my perverded over sexed father decides he want to try something new. Normally it was why this bimbo, this was why a dude for a change. Dad has had offers from guys before and would never go there. I seen him flirt with some gay guys at the grocery store, his excuse is he is safe there and is it a complement. Yet he would bitch about the guy dudes at the gym. People try to take pics of my dad. while he pees, showers, changes clothes. He got so pissed he took a picture made copies and offered the to those trying.

For the longest time I spend weekends at my grandparents house. The idea was dad could have some privacy. Limit my exposure to him exposing himself. It worked out great because I two sets of friends due to the one mile between houses. On Fridays after school I walk to their house instead of home. I call my Grandparents and explain in need to get stuff from dad's house and I will be late. Normally that would have scored me a ride, but not this time.

I walk home part of the way with friends until I get to my street. I unlock the front door to make eye contact with my dad. He is naked on the couch with who I am guessing is the gay guy from work. Marveling at his new toy. I mouth the words I am sorry and dash to my room. I throw everything I can possibly need for the next 48 hours into my backpack and take the back stairs, down stairs and out the back door. That look from my father will be stuck in my head for the rest of my life.

I said nothing to anyone about that. I actually said dad had not had a girl over in weeks. I reached out to friends to hang out and do something. We played video games on my PS4 for a while. Billy, Eric, Jeff, and myself. We were looking for movies to watch on Prime when we hit the LGBTQ section on my dads account. His history would suggest he has been binge watching gay movies for the past month.

I quickly advanced out of there to find a syfy movie. We vote and watched the first and second Independence Day Movie. Maybe it was because I have seen it so many times. I could not stop thinking about what my dad was doing. It was like that look he was trying to tell me something he couldn't. I might have been as simple as ... can't you see I'm busy here kid, or Sorry but I need to check this out don't hold it against me.

I love my dad. I love that he treats me like an adult when he should not, but when I need a dad he is alway right there. The fixer of all things important. I just want him to be happy. I just don't know if he is looking for himself or his happiness for his body parts. Saturday lasted a week. The same group of four meet up again. This time it's for frisbee throwing in the backyard. Grandma made hot dogs, bake beans, and potato salad with a several huge bags of potato chips.

We got four sleeping bags with the idea to slept outside under the stars. Then we did boy stuff in the privacy of our sleeping bags as a planned event. Note boy stuff is normal, the fact that we planned it was what made it gay. Along with the fact we all agreed to do it again that was kind of gay. I was thrilled to finally go to sleep. Way too much input for my brain it needed the break. I toss and turn all night worried about my dad. That picture in my head. A cry for help?

Grandpa turned the sprinklers on at nine. Grandma had just left to go to church by herself and grandpa was grateful for the excuse to stay home. He had cereal bowls and milk and my top five favorite to choose from. We are all taking when the phone rings. Grandpa says, it's my dad and walks away like he needs privacy, ot us to be quite. I follow him. He sees me Tells my dad I will tell him. He asks is everything alright. Grandpa says great in response. They hang up and I am informed that my dad is picking me up at six along with some asian food from Cook on Wok. Normally I don't go back home until I walk home after school on Monday.

Something was different. He got out of the car and came inside the house to get me. He got a hug from grandma like she didn't want to let go. Explaining we had food waiting for us to pick up. I get in the car, and he says. I got to tell you something. It freaky so just let me say it and get it over with. Dad kind of rambled on about telling me something without telling me anything. He I realized bla bla bla and when I tell you I can have you freaking out.

We pull up to a stop light by the Cook on Wok. I say dad let me guess. After 37 seven years you realized you are gay but your body part got in the way of that. You meet hot gay intern that helps you out of the closet and you have a boyfriend now. Is he back at the house waiting for us to return with dinner.?

Dad lets out a sigh of relief. After twenty years of letting his body part pick the person. My dad met Richard. He started working at the firm six months ago, and dad and him were becoming friends when Richard told he was gay. The didn't come on to my dad for the longest time. Richard told my dad he does chase after what he can't have.

Then after being friends longer dad said there was a possibility. So, for last three months of trying to get my sex addicted straight dad into bed. It finally happened. This time dad fell in love first with the person, then the possibilities. Watching gay movies makes being gay okay and maybe more important real. Makes gay people human as if they did not really count before. My dad was gay the whole time but he he did what was acceptable.

I go get home with dad and food to meet Richard. He is about ten years younger than my dad and about ten years older the me. Some of his muscles have their own muscles. He is just a touch shorter than dad. Dinner with three people talking and asking questions went on forever. Had insisted that I stay down stairs and hang out with them while they clean up.

It was take out, there was that much to clean up. The Richard said he had to go home and rescue his dog from the old lady next door to him. A German Shepard Husky Mix.

I am sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen. Full view of the front door. I watched my dad say goodbye to some he truly loved for the first time in my life. Then it occurred to me just maybe it is his first time saying goodbye to a person he loved. He is coming to dinner tomorrow night. They are having a sleepover this weekend and I am not going to the grandparents. Weird I could be that guy with two dads within months. Even weirder we have the exact same problem the started all of this.

My Father's Problem - Story Time Blog


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