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Writer's pictureLenny De Forge

Gay Boys Busted - Story Time Blog

A. I. Artwork - 1of2dads - Gay Boys Busted - Story Time Blog - Pic. of two gay guys that got caught.
J.R. and Eddie
A. I. Artwork - 1of2dads - Gay Boys Busted - Story Time Blog - Pic. of a surprised gay guy.

The evidence was clear that the two straight guys.

Were not that straight their pants were at their ankles.

They were not holding each others hands.

Opened mouths, twisting tongues.

Making out like they did this for a living.

Felt like heaven, and oblivious to the sound.

They did not hear David, marching up the steps.

They didn't hear him gasp for breath.

When he first got a glimpse of what they were actually doing.

It was gay stuff by gay guys in a stairwell at a high school.

Pulling their pants up and tucking stuff in.

They both explain. You did not see that even though he did.

They both said you can't tell anyone because you didn't see that.

Then they said We know where you live David.

Even though they had an hour to go.

David skipped class and walked all the way home.

J.R. and Eddie are freaking both play on the football team.

No one knows anything, about them being gay lovers and boyfriends.

Except now David the only out gay person in the whole damn school.

Right after seventh period the boys head over to go see David.

A freshly showered gay boy wrapped in a towel answers the door.

Saying sarcastically in a very gay voice. J.R. and Eddie hello girlfriends.

Eddie asks Can we come in and discuss what did not happen.

David says I will make this easy and agree to keep your secret for one kiss each.

Let's make it a contest and I will pick a winner.

Then you boys can go back in the closet.

Sixty seconds each David scores his first two gay kisses in his whole gay exitance.

From two closeted gay guys who has had a lot of practice with each other.

When they questioned who the winner was David claimed he himself won.

First of all he is not the only one anymore, and the only one that needs to that.

Then he asked What are you so ashamed of gay boys.

You two are hot, and in love you shouldn't have to hide it like this.

Do you really think your parents don't want your happiness.

Over ninety five precent of parents get over it.

The best part is you get to be boyfriends out loud.

Two days later in a crowed lunch room two straight guys come out of the closet.

They both walk over to David and give him a kiss on the lips.

Yelling Thanks for coming out first. The lunch room goes crazy.

The the two football players kiss each other like lovers.

Only to be escorted to the principal office.

Gay Boys Busted - Story Time Blog


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