It was insane to think I paid for the vacation that turned my son gay. Jim Alan Walker who was in his sophomore year in college. As normal he was acing all his classes again this year. The most notable reason is he's super smart, and a social nerd, and book worm. He would read half a book a day in high school. I once paid him one hundred dollars to play his first video game from beginning to end. He might play a game in between books. My son has no friends, no life, but As in every class.
It was February 14 Valentines day when he called. His roommate Chase (who I have met), and Will three doors down the hall asked me to go to Miami for Spring Break.
It's five days and nights at Maria Del Sol Hotel, wait it might be Motel. My share for food and expends is a thousand dollars. What's the difference between Motel and Hotel?
The door to your room on the inside of the building Hotel, or the outside of the building it's a Motel
Jim - Anyway I kind of want to go but the whole idea kind of scare's me to death. I didn't go anywhere last year and campus is spooky without any students. I guess I could always come home again....(a slight pause he gets quite now this is where i should have said YES COME HOME but I didn't ) ... They say it will be a chance to meet girls. What if I fall in love and then she goes back to where she came from? I'm not sure I am ready to meet girls from other locations. However, I am going to be twenty next month and I'm still a virgin. Were you a virgin when you married mom?
Me - What would you do if you came home?
Jim - Visit with you and mom, check out what's changed around town, Normal stuff. Catch up on my reading.
Me - So why can't you do that from and in Miami? Get to see something new. You can choose not to go to bars, and drink alcohol. Go see a movie, Take a walk on the beach, read a book on the beach. Do something different.
Back to the present he still reminds me of those words. Do something different. I never said gay. He sent me this picture of the three of them. My son is in the middle. His roommate Chase on the right and Will on the left from down the hall. Chase's hand were all over him and their legs overlapping each other. He has a dazed look on his face. Chase was trying to be sexy I guess. It never cooccurred to me there was a forth person taking the picture of the three of them. Will's actual roommate join in at the last minute and after everything was paid for.
The truth turns out Will was the original homosexual and became friends with Chase. A total slut and his freshman year would get the date, and then persuade, beg and even pay for sexual favors. It work for one semester, and nothing since. Word out on campus he was officially cut off.
Which made it easy for Will to offer a substitution of himself one drunk night. Will played the girl for two weeks and then he too cut Chase off. Day by day Chase got a little more willing to do gay things. Until another drunk night where Chase was convinced by Will and his roommate he should bottom for the rest of his life. I am not sure how that process happens or why Chase was fine with the outcome.
Please note this was all before the planned trip for spring brake. Their evil plan now that Chase was gay and with a preference to bottom They needed to find Chase a top, and who else but his hot and co dependent virgin roommate just ripe for the picking. They planned all this in advance.
The change in my son was instantly. He mother is freaking out. The conversation informing of what happen went like this....
Jim - So, dad I am officially a man. I finally got laid on spring break after all. Now don't freak out but turns out Chase is a gay bitch. Dad we get down there and he come's out of the closet. He is in love with me and want's to be my wife. Dad I kind of felt sorry for him. So I let him blow me.
Before you go nuts, I got to say it was fucking awesome. Never had one before. But that was awesome I want one hundred more.
It was like tasting the forbidden fruit dad. Chase just wanted more. Despite what he posted on Facebook we are not in a gay relationship. I did promise to poke his hole one a week for good behavior. His butt can't handle more than that. He is a little twisted dad and someone need to prescribe him medication.
Me - So, that it's you are gay now.
Jim - Dad I learned my lesson, I am open to just about anything. I am sure I could be straight if I could find a girl that could pass the blow job test.
Me - If you are looking for a wife that can blow like a gay guy you will be gay and looking for the rest of your life.
Jim - Remember you said that dad if for any reason I stay gay for an extended period of time.
I will end this right here....
Gay After Spring Break - Story Time Blog