Brian age eighteen and a total virgin ends up my roommate. He is a saxophone player, and slightly afraid of me at five feet ten inches tall and 176 pounds to my six feet two and 249 lb. solid muscle at age nineteen. Anything to make my dad Charlie the third proud of me Charlie the forth. They do say one out four guys is gay. My parents will hate me but I was having issues with just how truly cute he was. Brian was the boy version of my perfect girlfriend. The main problem was we both would need to be gay for that to work.
While I was almost gay when it came to Brian. I was not ready to make that switch until I had proof he would make being gay permanently totally worth it. Coming out to him and getting rejected would be too devastating for my fragile heart and ego. It would be easier to face my Christian Conservative parents. Besides anyone else he might want to tell on campus.
So then it came down to could I seduced him? It was worth a shot I thought. If by chance I could get to fool around that is the open door that could lead to the more I am looking for. One chance to bump that butt and fall in love. He doesn't talk about chicks like most guys, and that could be a sign he's gay or could go there.
Me - Morning roommate
Brian - Don't point that thing at me it might go off.
Me - It needs to go off. Close your eye while I rub one out.
Brian - I thought we agreed to only do that in the showers.
Me - Yeah your right it just sucks.
Brian - Have you ever done gay stuff?
Me - Not yet. but I am so horny right now I would consider it. Have you?
Brian - I got drunk with my uncle and cousin and fooled around a little bit back in ninth grade. Nothing since then, but it was just enough to make making out with girls very confusing. It's why I am still a virgin.
Me - Wow - Your uncle and his son do gay stuff.
Brian - They live in Kentucky and can't afford cable. They get drunk and screw what ever is available including each other.
Me - Including you?
Brian - My cousin tried to talk me into it on numerous occasions, but if I was going to go gay it would have to be for love not for just casual sex.
OMG my head was spinning in the first ten minutes of conversation this morning he laid out the ground rules for guy stuff to happen.
Me - I'm not sure this is a good sign when two horny roommates wake up and start talking about gay stuff and love. Have you ever been in love before?
Brian - I have had a crushes and not love. Do you know the difference?
Me - What?
Brian - A crush is when you want someone. Love is want you want to be there for someone.
Me - Okay that was deep for 8:37 AM but it does make it easier for my to say I love you Bro and for the next two semesters I want to be there for you. Best friends and everything.
Brain - So have you ever done anything gay?
Me - No way bro. I could only check gay stuff out with someone I could trust totally. What happens if you get there and something goes wrong. Or you can't get it up? Oops sorry not gay after all. My luck I would fall in love go gay come out piss my family off and then be left gay and single. Way too scary. Either we go gay together or not at all.
Brian - What did you say?
Me - You could come over here to my bed, get naked, make out, and see what happens.
Brian - Oh my god you do want to do gay stuff with me. You could get any chick you wanted, why are you talking to me about doing gay stuff?
Me - I have never made out with a guy before, if I was going to do it. You would be the perfect guy to do it with.
Brian - Fuck Fuck Fuck me. I thought the same thing when we first met. If there was ever a guy that could turn my gay. They gave him to me in a roommate like some unforeseen destiny.
Me - Any chance this is normal and every roommate situation is going through this?
Brian - I will admit there was always some chance in the back of my head I could go gay if I met the right guy. I think my parents question if I am gay or not.
Me - My parents would freak, I mean conversion therapy and the whole works if I would let them. They will also stop helping for college if I would ever come out as gay. Did I mention they would hate me. I'm sure it would be worth it for love with the right guy.
Brian - Okay let's think about this rationally. Two remotely possible gay guys become roommates and find out they are attracted to each other. They both wake up horny and reveal this to each other. Our choices are to act upon the fact we are attracted and horny and hope we fall in love. Plan B go jerk off in the shower, and think about it some more.
So, my bed or yours?
Me - Get over here bro.
Freshmen Introductions - Story Time Blog